Monday, February 13, 2012

Technology and food - how do our bodies respond?

A very interesting article - food for thought - Link
It really is amazing what finds its way into our food on a daily basis. The question always is, can our physiology adapt as fast as technology advances? According to Food and Western Disease, Health and nutrition from an evolutionary perspective, by Staffan Lindeberg, and, we are still feeling the ill-effects of eating a diet considerably high in milled grains (as one example) which were introduced 10 000 years ago with the advent of agriculture. And there will surely always be chemicals and their by-products that humans will simply never tolerate, because its' simply not within our design.

So the article above makes interesting mention of nano particles and what affect they may have on the body. Nano particles are definitely not my area of expertise, but I guess there are many different types of nano particles, and much room for debate on the topic. Read and see what you think (: